Topic on Extension talk:LDAP Authentication

Notice: Undefined index: wsDomain in $IP\extensions\LdapAuthentication\LdapAuthentication.php on line 663, 667, 449, 454 and 455

Lmmlopes (talkcontribs)

My MediaWiki is 1.18 version and the LdapAutentication version is 1.2d. Everytime a user login in the wiki it get that error. But can login anyway. If the browser isn't closed, the error won't show again, even if he logout and login again. My Settings are just like this

require_once( "$IP/extensions/LdapAuthentication/LdapAuthentication.php" ); $wgAuth = new LdapAuthenticationPlugin();
$wgLDAPDomainNames = array( "DPT001" ); $wgLDAPServerNames = array( "DPT001"=>"AD_SERVER.COMPANY.LOCAL" );
$wgLDAPUseLocal = false; $wgLDAPEncryptionType = array( "DPT001"=>"clear" )
$wgLDAPSearchStrings = array( "DPT001"=>"DPT001\\USER-NAME" );
$wgLDAPSearchAttributes = array( "DPT001"=>"sAMAccountName" ); $wgLDAPBaseDNs = array( "DPT001"=>"dc=COMPANY,dc=LOCAL" ); $wgLDAPGroupBaseDNs = array( "DPT001"=>"OU=Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL" ); $wgLDAPUserBaseDNs = array( "DPT001"=>"OU=Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL" );
$wgMinimalPasswordLength = 1;
$wgLDAPDebug = 1; $wgDebugLogGroups["ldap"] = "$IP/log/addebug.log" ;
$wgLDAPGroupUseFullDN = array( "DPT001"=>true ); $wgLDAPGroupObjectclass = array( "DPT001"=>"group" ); $wgLDAPGroupAttribute = array( "DPT001"=>"member" ); $wgLDAPGroupNameAttribute = array( "DPT001"=>"cn" ); $wgLDAPGroupsUseMemberOf = array( "DPT001"=>true );
$wgLDAPUseLDAPGroups = array( "DPT001"=>true ); $wgLDAPLocallyManagedGroups = array( "DPT001"=>array( "GROUPNAME"));
$wgLDAPRequiredGroups = array( "DPT001"=>array( "CN=GROUPNAME,OU=GROUPS_FUNC,OU=COMPANY,OU=Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL") );
$wgHooks['SetUsernameAttributeFromLDAP'][] = 'SetUsernameAttribute';
function SetUsernameAttribute(&$LDAPUsername, $info) {
        $LDAPUsername = $info[0]['samaccountname'][0];
       return true;

Can you help me? thank you in advance

Jasper Deng (talkcontribs)

In my experience you can usually ignore notices, but I'd like comment from someone more familiar with this extension.

Lmmlopes (talkcontribs)

do I have any way to hide or simply not show the notice information?

Jasper Deng (talkcontribs)


Lmmlopes (talkcontribs)

not working... :( Still get the error below on the lines 663, 667, 449, 454 and 455

Notice: Undefined index: wsDomain in C:\www\extensions\LdapAuthentication\LdapAuthentication.php on line 455
Call Stack
#	Time	Memory	Function	Location
1	0.0003	676152	{main}( )	..\index.php:0
2	0.1060	14340664	MediaWiki->run( )	..\index.php:57
3	0.1060	14340664	MediaWiki->main( )	..\Wiki.php:547
4	0.1061	14340744	MediaWiki->performRequest( )	..\Wiki.php:640
5	0.1344	16699016	SpecialPageFactory::executePath( )	..\Wiki.php:240
6	0.1453	18351944	LoginForm->execute( )	..\SpecialPageFactory.php:458
7	0.1472	18353288	LoginForm->mainLoginForm( )	..\SpecialUserlogin.php:151
8	0.2067	23796864	LdapAuthenticationPlugin->modifyUITemplate( )	..\SpecialUserlogin.php:1055
Jasper Deng (talkcontribs)

Add the following as well to your LocalSettings.php:

Reply to "Notice: Undefined index: wsDomain in $IP\extensions\LdapAuthentication\LdapAuthentication.php on line 663, 667, 449, 454 and 455"