Topic on Extension talk:CategoryTree

sort in reverse order?

DavidBiesack (talkcontribs)

Is there some way to reverse the order of the items? We use our internal wiki to record meeting minutes, so a category will have articles with names using the <topic> minutes yyyy-mm-dd pattern (using mode=pages). CategoryTree sorts alphanumerically in ascending order, but I'd like an option so that the most recent meeting is listed first, not last. thanks

CoolCornucopia (talkcontribs)

In case there is no "reverse order" feature in the CategoryTree extension, I suggest to use {{DEFAULTSORT:sortkey}} in all your meeting minutes articles (see for more details). For instance, add {{DEFAULTSORT:999}} in a new meeting minutes and add {{DEFAULTSORT:998}} in the next meeting minutes and so on... Of course, you have an extra work for previous meeting minutes articles but for new meeting minutes, it should not be so much work :)

Note that DEFAULTSORT works for both articles and categories so I do not use DEFAULTCATEGORYSORT (MediaWiki 1.17). Hope it helps :-)

This post was posted by CoolCornucopia, but signed as Cornucopia.

DavidBiesack (talkcontribs)
Reply to "sort in reverse order?"